El Capitolio está situado en Capitol Hill y se encuentra rodeado por un parque de 68 acres, diseñado por Frederich Law Olmsted, y por fuentes, estatuas y grandes árboles. La cúpula del Capitulo está coronada por la estatua de la Libertad.
Es el lugar, que desde 1800, donde el poder legislativo del Gobierno de EEUU (el Congreso) redacta las leyes estatales. Se puede visitar su Centro de Visitantes, donde puedes ver el pasado completo del edificio. Para ver el Congreso en acción tienes que llamar al 202-225-6827, y preguntar por la fechas de las sesiones.
Como curiosidad, el 1 de septiembre del 2001, 4 aviones fueron secuestrados y uno de ellos iba a ir contra el Capitlio. Más tarde, el líder de Al- Qaeda fue capturado, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, y declaró que, el vuelo 93, efectivamente, iba contra dicho edificio. El vuelo no alcanzó su objetivo debido a una lucha entre pasajeros y terroristas. Gracias a su valentía estos pasajeros no tuvieron la misma suerte que los del 11-S.
The first stone of this famous building was placed by the President George Washington in 1793, and from it, they him followed great others up to ending this spectacular construction. It is in one of the cities that more I have tasted and surprised, Washington D.C.
The Capitol is placed in Capitol Hill and is surrounded by a park of 68 acres, designed by Frederich Law Olmsted, and by sources, statues and big trees. The dome of the United States Capitol is crowned by the statue of Freedom.
It is the place, that from 1800, where the legislative power of the Government of the USA (the Congress) writes the state laws. It is possible to visit his Visitors' Center, where you can see the complete past of the building. To see the Congress in action you have to call 202-225-6827, and ask for her dates of the meetings.
As curiosity, on September 1, 2001, 4 planes were kidnapped and one of them was going to go against the Capitol. Later, the leader of Al- Qaeda was captured, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, and declared that, the flight 93, really, was going against the above mentioned building. The flight did not reach his aim due to a fight between passengers and terrorists. Thanks to his valor these passengers did not have the same luck that them of 11-S.
Foto de arriba, D.C. de noche: distorsiones.com.
Cómo llegar:
- Desde Washington: en metro: Union Station, Capitol South y Eastern Market; en taxi, no son demasiado caros; o en autobus, no os puedo decir mucho porque no cogí ninguno. Es cierto que hay metro con varias líneas, pero están muy alejadas unas de otros y toca andar mucho para ir a los sitios turísticos.
- Desde Nueva York: en autobús los billetes son muy baratos con las compañías Greyhound o Megabus (ambas con wi-fi en los autobuses) y tarda 4 horas y media o podeís ir en tren, que tarda creo que alrededor de 2-3 horas pero es mucho más caro.
- Desde su aeropuerto: Washington D.C., evidentemente, como capital del país tiene su propio aeropuerto.
How to come:
- From Washington: in metro: Union Station, Capitol South and Eastern Market; in taxi, they are not too expensive; or in bus, I cannot say to you very much because I did not take any. It is true that there is metro with several lines, but there are very remote some of others and it has to walk very much to go to the tourist sites.
- From New York: in bus the tickets are very cheap with the companies Greyhound or Megabus (both with wi-fi in the buses) and it is late 4 hours and a half or podeís to go by train, that is late I believe that about 2-3 hour but it is much more expensive.
- From Airport: Washington D.C., evidently, as the capital of the country has got its own airport.