Esta semana me uní a la plataforma SamyRoad. Es una nueva red social que une tus pasiones: arte, moda, música, viajes y start-ups. Después de recibir la financiación suficiente como para abrir un proyecto de esta envergadura, este mes logró salir al público.
This week I joined to SamyRoad platform. It's a new social network that connects your passions: art, fashion, music, travel and start-ups. After receiving enough funding to open a project of this size, this month it turned it out public.
Destaca su calidad visual y artística. Es una mezcla de Pinterest e Instagram en la que aparecen recomendaciones de restaurantes, ropa, tiendas, hoteles, ... dependiendo de la temática de la publicación. Me llamó la atención que un porcentaje de las ventas va destinado al usuario y otra parte a varias ONGs con las que colaboran (el usuario es quien elige la ONGs con la que quiere participar).
It stands out its visual and artistic quality. It is a mixture of Pinterest and Instagram appearing on restaurant recommendations, clothing, stores, hotels, ... depending on the theme of the publication. I noticed that a sales percentage is intended for the user and the other part for several NGOs (the user is who chooses the NGOs).
It stands out its visual and artistic quality. It is a mixture of Pinterest and Instagram appearing on restaurant recommendations, clothing, stores, hotels, ... depending on the theme of the publication. I noticed that a sales percentage is intended for the user and the other part for several NGOs (the user is who chooses the NGOs).
Por lo que si decidis uniros, no os olvideis seguirme en Samyroad.
So if you decide to join it, you don't forget to follow me on Samyroad.
So if you decide to join it, you don't forget to follow me on Samyroad.